          代貼:椰子樹下打盹的哲學家 啟事 .代貼:椰子樹下打盹的哲學家 啟事 因10月8日起家中網路怠工 G2000宜蘭民宿無法更新部落格,甚至無法連結?系統傢俱蘢禲A此狀況據稱會延續至18日(一)。 本次通知乃 酒店兼職借用公共圖書館設備為之。 敬請舊雨新知惠予原諒與等候。 P 591lease post a note in your blog telling everybody that my blog is temporary down due to ISP failu 酒店打工re in my area. It has been down since Oct 8, 2010 till now, and estimated to be fixed by Oct 18. (You see, nothi 商務中心ng is good when it is getting closer to the Oct 10.) I hope that by then everything will be working fine. I can not have access t 買屋網o internet at all. Right now, I am using inter-net from the community library, Sorry for the inconvenience, and I have been so upset for not being able 系統傢俱 to connect with the rest of the world. Thank you Ajin .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 個人信貸  .

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